CEOs | CPOs | C-Suite

Thinking Partnering & Coaching


We help high-pressured leaders to protect the time to think and sense-make around the challenges inherent in their role, influence, power and decisions.

This is often supported by development coaching, which helps a leader to shift deeper-rooted behavioural patterns to more appropriately respond to the needs and pressures of the leadership role they are in.

Leadership is an ongoing practice with high levels of responsibility and complexity; prioritising space to think is fundamental to making informed choices and decisions. A Thinking Partner relationship is an opportunity to better understand the dilemmas faced in leadership, creating space to notice, think, and act differently. It is hard to do alone in the pressurised and busy day-to-day.

The interconnected reality of today's challenges requires more than traditional coaching or mentoring, both of which can be hugely beneficial. Yet, these can have a developmental focus and an implicit power dynamic that can impact the quality and direction of the conversation. 

We work with clients to protect this increasingly important time and meet with you regularly, remotely or in person (out in nature if possible) to provide an environment for a relaxed but thoughtful and meaningful exploration of the tensions and challenges inherent in your current context.

The Thinking Partner approach encourages mutual exploration, reciprocal learning and collaborative sense-making. Rather than overwhelming with models and frameworks or offering prescriptive advice or guidance, it creates an environment where leaders engage in critical conversation around their tensions and dilemmas. Through collective intelligence and sharing various perspectives, ways forward emerge organically from simply having the time to think - together. 

This approach is informed by a social complexity perspective, which views leadership as a complex, contextual, and dynamic social process. Rather than assuming one ‘right’ way to lead, we support leaders in navigating and making sense of their experiences on an ongoing basis. 

Sound relevant?

If you or someone in your team could benefit from this type of support, let's chat

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