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Alongside the RISE Experience, our community offers a range of services.

We will help you to identify useful, effective ways to support your leadership group's style, effectiveness and enable your organisational culture to thrive.

Helping leaders to reflect, think, and act in new ways. 

Taking development seriously can be challenging and sensitive work, but it also unlocks areas of stuckness that can enable positive change to happen.

  • We support people with learning new skills, and encourage an experimental attitude towards trying out new ways of working; reflecting and learning from experience.
  • We focus on a leader's current, real challenges and support the ability to step into the more difficult conversations.

Enabling effective, high-trust executive and senior leadership teams.

We work with leadership teams on the challenges and opportunities that they are already aware of, and also help teams to surface the often unspoken, more challenging conversations in order to shift stuck patterns and make change happen.

  • We work with in-person, remote and hybrid teams.

Creating spaces to support critically reflective leaders

We believe that learning happens best when space is created for people to slow down, reflect on their experiences, and learn from each other. 

  • We work with you to create ongoing spaces for connecting, sharing and learning across leadership groups
  • We do this with in-person, remote and hybrid leadership groups
Our community can offer

A series of products and services to support the ongoing development of your people.

We don't believe in off-the-shelf programmes, as each context is different, but we do have many development frameworks that we believe can enhance your development experience.

The RISE Collaboration Accelerator is a leadership programme that supports senior leaders and managers in developing their collaborative capacity to lead in constant change and uncertainty.

The structure of the RCA allows for the development of key collaborative skills whilst also remaining flexible and in touch with the organisation’s reality. We have delivered RCA programmes in organisations around the world.

  • The programme is delivered through facilitated, diverse, small groups. This not only provides space for individual development but creates opportunities for peer learning through sharing of experiences, developing trust and connection across the organisation.
  • We work with people's real challenges with a focus on experimentation and reflection; ensuring practical application and development of new skills and ways of working.
  • We draw from a range of theories and integrate content into the group learning process where relevant.
  • The RCA can be run with a blend of in-person and virtual, making it a cost-effective and engaging process for participants irrespective of location.

Peer Learning Groups (PLG’s) are an approach to cultivating and sustaining trust, connection, learning and development between people across an organisation. So many learning and development initiatives fall short because there aren’t spaces created to support the ongoing processing and learning from experience and embedding that learning with the challenge and reflections of peers. Peer Learning Groups do just that.

We have supported the implementation of Peer Learning Groups across organisations for over 7 years. Each Peer Learning group initiative is designed specifically for the organisation depending on need, readiness and other developmental initiatives at play.

PLGs are confidential spaces for colleagues to meet regularly and share, connect and learn with one another. They offer space to

  • reflect and learn from real experiences and challenges
  • practice new skills
  • increase self-awareness
  • deepen connection and trust with colleagues
  • support and keep each other accountable
  • explore and understand different perspectives from across the organisation

RISE coaches work closely with you and use theoretical and practical knowledge about development, leadership, and complexity to support you to think and act in new ways. Coaching can be challenging and sensitive work, but it also unlocks areas of stuckness that can enable positive change to happen.

  • We support people with learning new skills, and encourage an experimental attitude towards trying out new ways of working; reflecting and learning from experience.
  • We focus on a leader's current, real challenges and support the ability to step into the more difficult conversations.
  • We acknowledge the embodied reality of leadership and focus not just on cognitive understanding, but physical presence and communication practices with others.
  • We ask provoking questions to encourage reflection and re-imagining of what's possible in areas of stuckness.

We draw from a range of theories, and utilise profiling assessments where we think it might be useful. We often work with the Leadership Circle 360 to help people understand their impact on others.

Facilitation is an essential practice for supporting quality conversation and decision-making within an organisation. Whilst we provide facilitation we also support organisations in developing their internal facilitation capability to support long-term sustainability and effectiveness of our work.

We provide facilitation training to leaders and people teams who find themselves supporting meetings, tough conversations, team days, and strategy sessions; and who believe that understanding how to design sessions and facilitate groups will help them to be more effective in their work.

We see facilitation as a practice, one that gets better with experience. Whilst training can expedite learning and provide practical guidance we also encourage practice, supervision, and reflecting on experiences to enhance development and learning. This can be run internally, or we can support in setting this up.

Our training can be adapted to meet the needs of your group and budget, this can range from one-off shorter training sessions to more intensive training programmes.

I can honestly say I wouldn't have achieved what I have in my professional career without the help of RISE.

Sam Dobson Operations Director, Graham & Brown

Working with RISE has taken the functionality and productivity of our senior leadership team to a completely new level.

Chris Furber Performance Director